OMAHA, Neb. —Christmas came a week early for some children in the metro. As temperatures continue to drop, Thursday was a perfect day to receive new winter gear.
“Anytime you have an opportunity to help a bunch of kids, I’m all for it,” said Chet Fortune, owner of Warrior Fitness.
Video: Elementary kids get new coats thanks to generous donations
The Douglas County Treasurer’s Office teamed up with area businesses to hand out brand new hats, coats and gloves to children at Lothrop Elementary.
Fortune said it’s just a simple act of generosity in this season of giving.
“I don’t think us as individuals really do enough for others, especially this time of the year. You think about your family and friends, but you don’t think about the people that are in need and probably need a lot more than we do,” he said.
The principal and the children certainly appreciated the generous act.